Monday, February 27, 2012


Stanford University --> Stanford Summer Teaching Institute : 4.56'
Stanford Summer Teaching Institute  

I choose a podcast about Stanford Summer Teaching because when I saw this title I wanted to know why there was a teaching in summer.  This video is very fast but it’s interesting.
CSET is a Center to Support Excellence in Teaching. The schools try to have good teachers thanks to formations. The mainly objectives is to focus on the quality of teaching for children. SSTI (Stanford Summer Teaching Institute) is an opportunity for teachers to continue keeping their own understanding with their own content, but also to have access to workshops which allow to exchange methods of learning. The teachers focus on the development of practices instructional which are very differents. There are small workshops for the teachers in order to find learning methods and news materials for classes. The teachers improve their comprehension about the content of their lessons. There are lots of exchanges between the teachers. An objective very important is to help the teachers answer to their needs according to school subjects. When they return on their class, they can improve their learning methods. The teams are the base because the teachers share their experiences together. In these workshops, there are 2 primary cross:

-          Develop an instructional leadership team that have shared vision
-          Really teach team 

To finish, SSTI are lots of advantages: continual supports, opportunities for students to share their first experiences, opportunities for teacher to exchange methods, improve teaching learning, lots of interactions… 

I think teaching in summer is a good idea because the teachers can work in small workshops to improve theirs weaks points in their teaching. It’s an important experience for the teacher because thanks to these training course children have a good teaching.

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